Affirmations: From Caterpillar to Butterfly

When you think positively, your world becomes positive and a much happier place to be in. Use affirmations to help you achieve positive thinking. They are a way of re-programming your thought patterns for the better. You simply think in your mind, or say out loud, what you want to achieve.

If you are not well, say to yourself over and over, “I am in perfect health. I feel wonderful” even though you might not be so at the time. It may take a while and a lot of repetitions but it can make a HUGE difference and become a big part of your recovery. You can also use affirmations for success in other areas besides health, such as relationships, finance, job…

Positive Affirmations Suggestions:

– I am healthy and happy.

– Wealth is pouring into my life.

– I am sailing on the river of wealth.

– I am getting wealthier each day.

– My body is healthy and functioning in a very good way.

– I have a lot of energy.

– I study and comprehend fast.

– My mind is calm.

– I am calm and relaxed in every situation.

– My thoughts are under my control.

– I radiate love and happiness.

– I am surrounded by love.

– I have the perfect job for me.

– I am living in the house of my dreams.

– I have good and loving relations with my wife/husband.

– I have a wonderful and satisfying job.

– I have the means to travel abroad, whenever I want to.

– I am successful in whatever I do.

– Everything is getting better every day.